I was terrified but I was on the right track

Confession, I yelled at God.

 Fourteen years ago, when I started my first business. Twelve years ago, when that business closed. Eight years ago, when I re-launched it. Five years ago, when I began The Ruby Network for women of faith; three years ago, when I married an apostolic leader (there is life and love after divorce), relocated from St. Louis, MO to Atlanta, GA, became a YouVersion partner, founder of a women's ministry in Atlanta and two years ago when I accepted the call on my life to pastor, leaned into my calling to teach, encourage, and help lead women to emotional freedom through the power of the Holy Spirit...

 I yelled.

Each time, I've had to start over in life. I’ve yelled. 

So, welcome, Beautiful. You’ve reached a community led by a woman of God who has been there. I want you to know that you found us not by accident. I believe you're worth more than rubies, and I can't wait for you to join my network. We're a community of women striving to show up intentionally for ourselves and put God first through contending for ourselves, our husbands, children, and families through biblical revelation.

I'm looking forward to being a part of your journey to becoming a Ruby and embracing a life understanding that you were created to BE. You’re more than a “help-meet”. You’re a helper. (Ezar kenegdo).

Love you,

Porscha Fryar, pastor

Entrepreneur, The Ruby Network Founder, YouVersion partner, 

author, wife, mom, and ordained pastor

The Ruby Network


Hey Beautiful


The Ruby Network 〰️ Hey Beautiful 〰️

We're a community of women striving to show up intentionally for ourselves and put God first through contending for ourselves, our husbands, children, and families through biblical revelation.

Who we are


To encourage the biblical practices of helping, loving, and serving through a value-based approach to the term “help-meet”, expanded “helper” (Ezer kenegdo).

Strategy / Vision

(1) to produce well-rounded women, (2) who strive to show up intentionally for their husbands, children, and families, and (3) put God’s purpose for their lives first.

Porscha Fryar | A woman of great faith, a wife, intercessor, speaker, entrepreneur, and mother.

Porscha lives in Atlanta with her husband, Apostle Timothy Fryar, and their children. As the matriarch of their blended family, she enjoys visiting her hometown of St. Louis, Missouri, and spending time with extended family in North Carolina. An ordained minister, Porscha works alongside her husband to fulfill their life’s calling: to lead and love according to the Word of God in their home, businesses, and ministries. She founded The Ruby Network, a ministry for God’s girls, co-founded The Daughter's Institute, and serves as a content partner at YouVersion. Faith is central to her life; hugs are plentiful, and coffee is always served hot!

The Ruby Network was est. in 2019 in St. Louis, Missouri.

Facebook @pastorporschafryar

Instagram @porschafryar @therubynetwork

Our Founder

  • “SEEE!!! Thank you for being tapped in and obedient!! So grateful to be connected.”

    -Lauren F.

  • God pointed me to you this morning. Perfect timing, as always. :)

    -Jada K.

  • So blessed to hv found you on youversion! Love your org as it coincides w/ our church ministry and my heart as a daughter, sister, wife, mother, First Lady & minister for women to know their worth in God and His Love for us!

    Lori B.

  • I love Women in Christ helping one another along the way on their journey. I love the reminder that we all are more precious than rubies. Being close to God shows me my true worth in what God says about us. I am in awe of his never failing , never fading, unconditional love for each of us.

    Melissa C.

  • Thank you for your obedience. I am doing a 30-day social media break. I ran across your devotion on YouVersion, and let me just say, it was as if God was answering some of my questions right in your words. Awesome job and blessings to you, sister in Christ.


It’s okay to be terrified. It means you’re on the right track

Join a community of forward thinking women

striving to show up intentionally for ourselves and put God first through contending for ourselves, our husbands, children, and families through biblical revelation.